Added on by kento mori.

Kaugummi & friends is an exhibition in rennes in may and june 2010. 120+ artists books and zines made by independant publishers and artists have been exhibit for a 3 weeks show in our hometown. The show also include the complete kaugummi library, a slideshow of images took by photographers and a 8 hours playlist of weird psychedelic sounds.

Featuring : 1/2 zine, 24 zines box, 213 magazin, 4478 zine, adeline meilliez, allemane, anhn, antheism, barbapop, bloodwars, boing being, boring, brecht vandenbroucke, bon gout, bored fortress, caroline cesareo, caroline gaedechens, cast, cave mind, christina gransow, cotoreich, daisuke ichiba, dos fuerzas, emanuel almborg & jeff kinkle, editions fp&cf, electric annihilation, enj, fais le toi même si t’es pas content, faund, frederic akum, frederic rusch, free, fuego, gloria glitzer, gotoproduction, habeas corpus, hakvin verlag, inga langkay, it:, jacob hurtig, jean-baptiste lenglet, jhon magazine, journal illustratif, julien laugier, justin bland, kathy kwon, kento mori, kikifruit, kuti, l’imprimante, la chienne, le dernier cri, les editions du 57, lewis chaplin, lezard actif, la chose, lala ladcan, le mois prochain, lowtech, mccloud zicmuse, manfred naescher, miranda koopman, modèle puissance, my dance the skull, mycose, nazi knife, nieves, no thoughts, olesya shchukina, owvbics, pidgin, point never, poursuite, pwr paper, rouge gorge, rrr, schnauzer, shining, sixpack, society suckers, supersizeshe, sylvain etasse, tbooks, teeluxe, tony papin, two fast colour, the spring press, (un)limited store, united dead artists, vanessa lam, yannick val gesto, yves drillet, wide open, zach hazard vaupen and many others…

Venue : Galerie de l'iufm, 153 rue de st malo, 35000 Rennes, France

フランス発のインディペンデント出版社 Kagummiが主催するエキシビションに写真家として参加致します。会期中は、写真集、ZINE、アーティストブックの回覧やスライドショーなども予定されております。